Sunday, February 13, 2011


1.      Speakers, including Estella Leopold
a.       Get speakers, organize schedules, assist them with logistics, reserve rooms/areas
2.      Wetlands restoration event
a.       Coordinate event, get permissions, liability forms?, provide tools, monitor students and show them what to do, collect tools and put them away after event
3.      Recycling display and event
a.       Gather and set up recycling material display, educate students about recycling, provide information, clean up afterwards
4.      EV/Hybrid Car displays (Tony Guerrero has made this possible)
a.       I’m sure Tony will handle all the details for this
5.      Energy Dashboard display/booth
a.       Set up booth, provide information on the program with display, break down booth afterwards
6.      Tables/booths for local organizations
a.       Contact local organizations that might be interested in joining the event, organize booths and provide logistics info, break down booths afterwards
7.      Music
a.       Find musicians or djs, organize logistics for equipment and space to perform
8.      Food
a.       Find vendors, figure out how much food we need and costs, organize distribution and clean up
9.      Overall logistics for reserving and setting up the North Creek Events Center
10.  Overall logistics for setting up the Promenade
11.  Seedling and worm giveaway booth (information and demonstrations?)
a.       Research which seedlings and worms to give away, find sources and costs/donations, organize collection and distribution, set up booth, provide information and demonstrations, break down booth and clean up aftewards
12.  Pledges
Work with Seedlings/Worm group, create pledge materials saying something to the effect of “I plan to do my part to help our earth as a personal pledge and pass on to others what I have learned today.” Everyone that wants a sapling or worms will have to sign this pledge and turn it in to you. You will take these pledges and display them somewhere for everyone to see to encourage and remind them and others of Earth Day, this event and pass it all on to others. Obviously there is a lot of room for creativity here!

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